Monday, January 21, 2008


My little girl turned thirteen last November and I have been beating myself up for not really recognizing it in some profound way. We had a regular sleepover with a gaggle of other 12 and 13 year old girls but I have been thinking I need to do something extra special for her. I have a friend who is putting together a box of meaningful mementos for her daughter who will be thirteen this year. I may steal her idea and fill a box to give Sophie this year even if I didn't get it to her exactly on her big day.There are a lot of crazy things that vie for our children's attention these days and it's hard to find moments to just be with them without some other agenda or distraction. When they were little it seemed as though we had so much of that unstructured time and now those precious times are few and far between. Some of the things I might add to her box are photos of her from baby on up to now, quotes I can find from some of my favorite writers and poets, written out on pretty paper. A list of book titles I think are important to read in ones life, special recipes I want her to have, and maybe letters especially for her from some of the important people in her life.......I'll add more to this list as it strikes me.I want her to have the confidence and grace to head into adulthood prepared and knowing the love that surrounds her.I want her to be able to laugh at herself and to hear the advice of those who love her dearly.

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