Monday, January 28, 2008

sparks and day 6

After a long hiatus I got out my Ginghers and plugged in the sewing machine and started work on some small projects. It was inspired by a couple of blogs I have been perusing as of late; SouleMama and Montessori by Hand. These women make some beautiful things, really amazing and unbelievable works of art. I realized something that changed my perspective while reading about various aspects of their creative lives. Every project does not have to be epic! I can gain a whole lot of satisfaction from a small project as well as a large one and it is so lovely to make something with your hands no matter how small. While I love the creative aspects of cooking and baking very much, the results are ephemeral. What can take hours to create disappears into hungry tummies in an instant. I have always felt intimidated by sewing and bogged down by following directions but I am slowly realizing that I can make things up and it doesn't have to be perfect. I see things out in the world that I am attracted to and I often stop and think to myself, "I could make this." I made a sweet stuffed bunny for my niece and a lovely little valentine heart to give away in February. I will make Rowan a pillowcase for his 7th birthday. I will choose the fabric with him in mind and it will be a simple act of love with lasting results. I made lots of things for Sophie and Will when they were little but somehow let that part of me go by the wayside. I'm so glad it's back.

1 comment:

susan said...

We still have a pair of pajama pants you made for Sophie that were handed down to Macie. They are practically knickers now but she loves them. We will save them for Avery!! One of my favorite Xmas decorations is the Xmas tree and star you stitched and framed. It reminds me of you every time I look at it.