Friday, May 2, 2008

trial by error

I am finding that the most fun I am having with this blog is experimenting with photography. I like to record our happenings and projects too, but playing with the camera is really giving me a creative outlet. I am participating in The Photo Trade at Nectar and Light, and I have found it quite gratifying, not to mention the fun I've had with my co-conspirator and models. Muchas Gracias to Jen for the great idea. Whoa, I just learned how to insert these links so I went a little batty there. The point is, I am so much less self conscious about taking shots, planned and spontaneous, and while the results are not always what I intend(see above white space), I am learning so much about myself and how I see the world around me.I also love documenting bits and pieces of our lives. I owe this awakening to the inspiring women over at Shutter Sisters for a daily dose of wisdom and exploration. Their sense of adventure and zest for life with all of it's nuances and complexities, gives me hope. In a short time, I have become more aware of the heartbreaking beauty that surrounds me. For this, I am eternally grateful.


susan said...

Well, did her prince arrive after she kissed the frog???

lizziemarie said...

ummmm, not yet.